A brief look at where I’ve been and where I’d like to go with this very time consuming, often frustrating aspect of film… If I can ever find the time..
Since my friends at SYRP have been producing camera equipment I’ve been involved in testing their gear out and producing web content showing how well their product’s work. The Genie is their first creation and I’ve been working alongside them to offer feedback and at the same time learning timelapse photography.
It was a long road to get to where I am today
Above is the Patty Wagon. I had a go at making a tracking vehicle for my genie with adjustable direction. This is something that has started a seperate focus for me, the use of syrp equipment outside of the box of your normal time-lapse photography.
The results feature in the video below, My first released work for Syrp way back in 2011.
After a while I have got my head well around motion time-lapsing and as you’ll see I have been known to use it in my work if the story requires.
It’s a discipline that takes a lot of time and while there seems to be very little time for it in most motion productions that I work on I do hope to one day devote more time to the process.
Some of my work features in the below syrp advertising
Back to where I want to go. The syrp systems can allow you to make objects move. In theory even outside of the world of film and photography if you had a fascination for the quirky things in life you could use the same systems to power your day to day tasks. They move specific distances to a programmed timecode therefor with the adequate hardware and many genies you can expand range of motion and build a robot. The best Ive managed so far is a x5 axis monster I call the Pattycrane.
The below video shows what I’m talking about. During Covid 19 Lockdown in early 2020 I had 6 weeks to kill and plenty of syrp equipment and hardware. I purchased more genies online and started a project that in my mind opens up real possibilities for syrp products to be used to their full potential.
The name ‘Crane Dreams’ came from the fact I was actually dreaming about my day to day struggle with making my crane function reliably.
Ben from Syrp suggested I make a clip about my struggle for syrp to use as advertising in their Covid lockdown film festival. The clip itself was a satirical view of a real life dilemma that I had, I was totally immersed, and actually felt like I was going a little crazy in my tunnel vision.
After 6 weeks I only just got there, but there are still many tweaks to make before it is perfect. When I am finished I think I’ll finally be able to make a time-lapse showreel that will represent both my vision and ability.
Don’t bother watching this space you could be here for a while………